"Hi-1000ec.com" handles genuine couplers (connectors), terminals, and automotive wires mainly used in Japanese motorcycle and automobile wiring harnesses. We look forward to your orders.

Item Description

●0.3sq parallel lines(1m)   [color Blue / White]/SQ03BLWH [SQ03BLWH]

Price: US$1.84

[Stock:287 ]

Weight: 14g

Item Description

A price is a price around 1m.
An example: When 10 meters are necessary, please input with "10" to the number of the purchase.
I send it in "a connected state" to the purchase amount.
But the upper limit becomes number of the stock or 200m as 1 reel becomes 200m.

Use Other than an industrial instrument, the radio for the duties for the home, an acoustic electric wire car audio, a car, a ship

Characteristic It is available for a wide apparatus

The product details
Standard size (mm2) 0.3
Number of the wires/wire diameter (this ./mm) 12/0.18
Conductor cross section (mm2) 0.3
Conductor outer diameter (mm) 0.7
Insulator thickness (mm) 0.6
Finish outer diameter (mm) 2.0x4.0
Conductor resistance Ω/Km (20 degrees Celsius) 61.2
Current tolerance (A) Maker notation nothing
Breakdown voltage AC3000V/1 minute
(in 但 0.3m 平方メートル AC 1,000V/one minute)
Insulation resistance 50MΩ, Km (20 degrees Celsius)
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