"Hi-1000ec.com" handles genuine couplers (connectors), terminals, and automotive wires mainly used in Japanese motorcycle and automobile wiring harnesses. We look forward to your orders.

Item Description

●[sumitomo]090 type RS waterproofing series 2 pole "E type" F connector [black] (no terminals)/2P090WP-RS-E-BK-F-tr [2P090WP-RS-E-BK-F-tr]

Price: US$3.69

[Stock:120 ]

Weight: 15g

Item Description

This product is F side connector and Retainer.
Please buy F terminal, the wire seal separately.

The corresponding terminal separately prepares it as follows.
Please find necessary amount.
It is available as a spare for the repair.

It supports an electric wire of ↓ AVS0.85-1.25mm2. ↓
■F terminal + wire seal

■F terminal simple substance
■Wire seal 91 waterproofing series
Electric wire finish 2.0-2.4 millimeters outside diameter
■Dummy stopper
It is necessary for the part without the terminal.

There is not the setting of the fitting counterpart.
I am not published in the catalogue of the maker.
*To the customer who the connector of the vehicle ages, and thinks of "repair" as the exchange only for connectors.
This connector may not adapt to the left terminal to reuse of the vehicle.
Please note that there is the kind of "the terminal used for the existing car" even if it is the same, and this product was able to use the fitting shape as a form when this connector is not usable.
It becomes that the corresponding terminal of this product writes it as above.
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