"Hi-1000ec.com" handles genuine couplers (connectors), terminals, and automotive wires mainly used in Japanese motorcycle and automobile wiring harnesses. We look forward to your orders.

Item Description

Product made in TE 250 type double lock series 1 pole F connector (according to the terminal) /1P250-DBL-TE-F-tr [1P250-DBL-TE-F-tr]

Price: US$3.97

[Stock:38 ]

Weight: 15g

Item Description

As this product is only the F side connector, and the terminal is not included, please buy it separately.
Toyota pure article number 90980-10619 equivalency product
In addition, there is not handling on the M side of the counterpart now.
In the case of use, please be careful about fitting shapes in Horne. In addition, I do not cope with Horne of the bipolar type.

Product contents
A maker: TE (AMP)
Series: Double lock connector standard size: 250
Quality: PBT
A hue: Black
Non-waterproofing: F
A pole number: 1
A terminal: Separate sale

The corresponding terminal separately prepares it as follows.
Please find necessary amount
In addition, it is available as a spare for the repair.

■F terminal simple substance "F250-SMDS"
Application electric wire size 0.5-2.0mm2
Electric wire finish 1.6-3.1mm outside diameter

There is not handling of the fitting counterpart now

The thing except the connector in the image is for explanation, and it does not include it in a product.

*When insert a terminal; is careful
Please note that a terminal does not enter when Retainer (yellow parts) is pushed.
You insert a terminal in the state that Retainer is over by all means from behind, and you push Retainer, and please lock it.
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