"Hi-1000ec.com" handles genuine couplers (connectors), terminals, and automotive wires mainly used in Japanese motorcycle and automobile wiring harnesses. We look forward to your orders.

Item Description

Made by Yazaki Corporation Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 model II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr [13P025-090-YZ-F-tr]

Price: US$4.58

[Stock:84 ]

Weight: 15g

Item Description

Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 type II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr made by Yazaki Corporation

As for this product, the terminal, please find for necessary number only in a connector separately.
Toyota pure article number 90980-12500 equivalency product

Product contents
Maker/series: Yazaki Corporation/high Bullitt standard size: 025/090
Non-waterproofing: F
A pole number: 13 (9+4)
A hue: Natural color
A terminal: Separate sale

The corresponding terminal prepares separately as follows.
Please find for necessary number.
In addition, you can use it as a spare for the repair.

025 type (nine places of center)
■025 F terminals
"F025" 0.64II(025II) type
Application electric wire size 0.3-0.5mm2 090 type (four places of both ends)
■090 F terminals
"F090-SMTS" Yazaki 2.3II(090II)/ Sumitomo TS application electric wire size 0.5-1.25mm2

025 models (nine places of center) that the terminal with the electric wire is the terminal which crimps it, and has been processed
■Terminal with 025 type electric wire
090 type (four places of both ends)
■Terminal with 090 type electric wire

A fitting counterpart is this
■"13P025-090-YZ-M-tr" (terminals)
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