Round Giboshi Round Giboshi Terminal (All Items) 020 type terminal - not waterproof 025 Terminal - Non Waterproof 025 type waterproof terminal 030 Terminal - Non Waterproof 040 Terminal - Non Waterproof 040 type [waterproof] terminal 048 type [waterproof] terminal 050 Terminal - Non Waterproof 060 Terminal - Non Waterproof 060 type waterproof terminal 070 Terminal - Non Waterproof 070 type [waterproof] terminal 090 Terminal - Non Waterproof 090 type [waterproof] terminal 110 type terminal - non waterproof 110 type [waterproof] terminal 120 Terminal - Non Waterproof 187 Terminal - Non Waterproof 187 type [waterproof] terminal 250 Terminal - Non Waterproof 250 type [waterproof] terminal H4 (305) Terminal - Non Waterproof 305 Terminal - Non Waterproof 312 Terminal - Non Waterproof 312 type [waterproof] terminal 375 Terminal - Non Waterproof HB type _ H type [waterproof] terminal FUSE terminal OBD terminal Terminal set for hybrid coupler Terminals for communication equipment Wire seal (rubber stopper) Blind (dummy) plug Splice Round Giboshi YPC [Non waterproof / waterproof] common terminal Other terminal Other waterproof terminal Show: 10 20 30 50 100 Image: Small Medium Large In Stock Sort by: Please select Recommended Price: Low to high Price: High to low Bestselling Display: 40 items 12next» maru giboshi - SS size male terminal (sleeves) /MG-SS-sr [MG-SS-sr] US$0.22 Stock:9,339 [Sumitomo]maru giboshi waterproofing rubber sleeve [female] /FG-RB-wpsleeves-F [FG-RB-wpsleeves-F] US$0.40 Stock:440 [Yazaki] flag model L-form type-maru giboshi Sleeve /FG-HT-sleeves [FG-HT-sleeves] US$0.26 Stock:642 [Yazaki] maru Female giboshi flag type L-form type (belonging to a sleeve) /FG-HT [FG-HT] US$0.76 Stock:642 [Yazaki] maru Female giboshi flag type L-form type (only as for the terminal) /FG-HT-sr [FG-HT-sr] US$0.60 Stock:18,391 [Sumitomo]maru giboshi waterproofing rubber sleeve [male] /MG-RB-wpsleeves-M [MG-RB-wpsleeves-M] US$0.40 Stock:481 [OTP] giboshi F-terminal (sleeve nothing)tin plating/FG-SU-sr [FG-SU-sr] US$0.16 Stock:7,373 [OTP] giboshi M-terminal (sleeve nothing)tin plating/MG-SU-sr [MG-SU-sr] US$0.16 Stock:6,507 Round Bullet Terminal female terminal - female With sleeve [color Gold] /FG [FG] US$0.23 Stock:1,944 Round Bullet Terminal male terminal - male With sleeve [color Gold] /MG [MG] US$0.18 Stock:3,598 Round Bullet Terminal [color Gold] male terminal only - male No sleeve /MG-sr [MG-sr] US$0.11 Stock:3,598 Round Bullet Terminal male terminal ( [HITACHI] )- male No sleeve /MG-B1-sr [MG-B1-sr] US$0.37 Stock:429 Round Bullet Terminal terminal male Sleeve only MG-sleeves-M [MG-sleeves-M] US$0.08 Stock:6,364 Round Bullet Terminal /waterproofing/ M Sleeve /MG-WPsleeves-M [MG-WPsleeves-M] US$0.23 Stock:4,725 Round Bullet Terminal terminal male Sleeve /MG-B3-sleeves-M [MG-B3-sleeves-M] US$0.19 Stock:408 Round Bullet Terminal male Sleeve Full cover type /MG-DA2-sleeves-M [MG-DA2-sleeves-M] US$0.20 Stock:310 Round Bullet Terminal [color Gold] female terminal only - female No sleeve /FG-sr [FG-sr] US$0.11 Stock:6,261 Round Bullet Terminal female terminal ( [HITACHI] )- female No sleeve /FG-B2-sr [FG-B2-sr] US$0.37 Stock:242 Round Bullet Terminal terminal female Sleeve only FG-sleeves-F [FG-sleeves-F] US$0.14 Stock:1,944 Round Bullet Terminal /waterproofing/ F Sleeve /FG-WPsleeves-F [FG-WPsleeves-F] US$0.23 Stock:363 12next»