Made by Yazaki Corporation Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 model II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr [13P025-090-YZ-F-tr]
Made by Yazaki Corporation Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 model II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr
Price: US$4.58
Weight: 15g
Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 type II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr made by Yazaki Corporation
As for this product, the terminal, please find for necessary number only in a connector separately.
Toyota pure article number 90980-12500 equivalency product
Product contents
Maker/series: Yazaki Corporation/high Bullitt standard size: 025/090
Non-waterproofing: F
A pole number: 13 (9+4)
A hue: Natural color
A terminal: Separate sale
The corresponding terminal prepares separately as follows.
Please find for necessary number.
In addition, you can use it as a spare for the repair.
025 type (nine places of center)
■025 F terminals
"F025" 0.64II(025II) type
Application electric wire size 0.3-0.5mm2 090 type (four places of both ends)
■090 F terminals
"F090-SMTS" Yazaki 2.3II(090II)/ Sumitomo TS application electric wire size 0.5-1.25mm2
025 models (nine places of center) that the terminal with the electric wire is the terminal which crimps it, and has been processed
■Terminal with 025 type electric wire
090 type (four places of both ends)
■Terminal with 090 type electric wire
A fitting counterpart is this
■"13P025-090-YZ-M-tr" (terminals)
As for this product, the terminal, please find for necessary number only in a connector separately.
Toyota pure article number 90980-12500 equivalency product
Product contents
Maker/series: Yazaki Corporation/high Bullitt standard size: 025/090
Non-waterproofing: F
A pole number: 13 (9+4)
A hue: Natural color
A terminal: Separate sale
The corresponding terminal prepares separately as follows.
Please find for necessary number.
In addition, you can use it as a spare for the repair.
025 type (nine places of center)
■025 F terminals
"F025" 0.64II(025II) type
Application electric wire size 0.3-0.5mm2 090 type (four places of both ends)
■090 F terminals
"F090-SMTS" Yazaki 2.3II(090II)/ Sumitomo TS application electric wire size 0.5-1.25mm2
025 models (nine places of center) that the terminal with the electric wire is the terminal which crimps it, and has been processed
■Terminal with 025 type electric wire
090 type (four places of both ends)
■Terminal with 090 type electric wire
A fitting counterpart is this
■"13P025-090-YZ-M-tr" (terminals)
Made by Yazaki Corporation Hybrid 13 pole 025 model II9 pole +090 model II4 pole non-waterproofing F type connector /13P025-090-YZ-F-tr
Price: US$4.58
Weight: 15g